• Book Review

    Little Disasters by Sarah Vaughan | Book Review

    Little Disasters by Sarah Vaughan
    Release Date: 2nd April 2020
    Genre: Adult, Suspense
    Source: Publisher, NetGalley
    Rating: ★★★

    You think you know her…but look a little closer.

    She is a stay-at-home mother-of-three with boundless reserves of patience, energy, and love. After being friends for a decade, this is how Liz sees Jess.

    Then one moment changes everything.

    Dark thoughts and carefully guarded secrets surface—and Liz is left questioning everything she thought she knew about her friend, and about herself. The truth can’t come soon enough.

    I’ve read Vaughan’s most well-known book, Anatomy of a Scandal, and very much enjoyed it. I admittedly read it quite a while ago now, but I still mostly remember the enjoyment I got from the book and the overall vibes, even if I have mostly forgotten the plot. I went into Little Disasters not knowing much about it, as I don’t typically read blurbs for thrillers, and that is what I thought this book was.

    It is not a thriller. My bad! Little Disasters is more of a domestic suspense, or literary suspense… I’m not exactly sure what the genre would be! It’s a long and slow read, nothing like a thriller book, but nevertheless I enjoyed my time with it.

    I didn’t find much to connect to with this one as I’m not a mother and don’t plan to be, and the entirity of this book is focused on the mums and what they were or were not hiding. That said, I still really enjoyed the mystery of the whole thing. I read this in just a few sittings because I was super curious about the outcome. I wanted to know what really happened to the baby.

    I would recommend looking up trigger warnings for this book because there are a lot of them, mainly involving children and mental health. I didn’t have a tough time but I think some people might do.

    Overall I think Vaughan’s previous book was stronger, but this one was still enjoyable and I’d definitely read more from this author in the future.

  • Book Review

    Gleanings by Neal Shusterman | Book Review

    Gleanings by Neal Shusterman
    Release Date: 8th November 2022
    Genre: Young Adult, Science Fiction
    Source: Publisher, NetGalley
    Rating: ★★★★

    There are still countless tales of the Scythedom to tell. Centuries passed between the Thunderhead cradling humanity and Scythe Goddard trying to turn it upside down. For years humans lived in a world without hunger, disease, or death with Scythes as the living instruments of population control.

    Neal Shusterman—along with collaborators David Yoon, Jarrod Shusterman, Sofía Lapuente, Michael H. Payne, Michelle Knowlden, and Joelle Shusterman—returns to the world throughout the timeline of the Arc of a Scythe series. Discover secrets and histories of characters you’ve followed for three volumes and meet new heroes, new foes, and some figures in between.

    I should preface this review by declaring two things. First, I’m a huge fan of the Scythe trilogy. I’ve been reading Shusterman’s books since the Unwind days, and Scythe is perhaps one of my all time favourite series for the commentary and theology alone. Second, I can’t stand short story collections. I often find them difficult to read, poorly paced, and I struggle to jump in and out of each one.

    So why did I request and read this book, you might ask? Because it’s a Scythe book! I love the world of the Scythe and after the explosive ending to The Toll I wanted more. I was really hoping we’d get to see more of where humans ended up after the conclusion to the original trilogy, and that’s what mostly kept me going.

    What I didn’t realise, however, is this collection is written by several different authors. I feel like people (and the publisher) haven’t really been talking about this? As a self declared Massive Fan of the original trilogy and of Shusterman’s writing, I found it very jarring to read a story set in such a familiar world but written in such an unfamiliar style. I could tell these stories weren’t written by Shusterman. They had a different style and vibe.

    I did enjoy some of the stories, though. Mostly the ones that Shusterman wrote himself. We got to revisit some of my favourite characters. Scythe Marie Curie got a couple of stories in here, and we also got to see Goddard’s origin story. It was wonderful! My favourite story was actually Cirri, because that’s what I’m now most interested in after finishing the series, but I also really enjoyed the three stories mentioned above.

    There was a really strange story about a Scythe and his dog, which had be chuckling. Readers may feel as though that one could be left out but I honestly disagree.

    I don’t think this is an anthology that everyone absolutely must read. It’s actually just one for massive Scythe fans, like myself, as it spoils all the events in the trilogy. I would recommend it if you can’t get enough of the Scythe world and the Thunderhead.

  • Reading Plans

    Reading Plans for December | December TBR

    I want to start posting about my upcoming reading plans on the blog, since I post a monthly TBR video
    on Booktube anyway and I figure there’s nothing more exciting than talking about the books you want to
    read. I have some time off work in December, but not enough time off to justify my ambitious reading list.
    Maybe you could help me whittle it down?

    I’ve split these books into a few sections. The first section is full of books that I got for my birthday. I’m
    really excited for all of these, so it makes sense that I get to them while the iron is hot, so to speak!

    Birthday Books

    Delilah Green Doesn’t Care by Ashley Herring Blake

    I read Girl Made of Stars by this author a few years back and gave it a whopping five stars. I haven’t read anything else by her since, just because she kept slipping off my radar. This one sounds incredible
    though, and my friend Nikki gifted it to me for my 30th!

    Migrations by Charlotte McConaghy
    I bought this one as a birthday gift to myself! My friend Angela has been talking about this one a lot this year, and it sounds like something I would love. I believe this is cli-fi that talks about extinction and, obviously, migration. It’s also set in Greenland, so I’ll be able to add it to my world map this year.

    Tokyo Ever After by Emiko Jean
    This is another one I bought for myself, and I put it on the list as I imagine it’s going to be a super quick read. It’s basically the Princess Diaries but set in Japan. I haven’t added Japan to my world map yet this year so this one is perfect, and I also want to recap it for Recaptains so people can prep for the sequel!

    The second section is books that I challenged myself to read by the end of the year. There were far too
    many left for me to include all of them, so I’ve included the books that are most important to me. I still
    might struggle to read all of them, but at least it’s written down.

  • Highlights

    Reading Wrap Up & November Highlights

    Reading wise, November was a pretty average month. I didn’t read a massive amount of books, and I
    only had a couple of standout reads. This November highlights post isn’t going to lean into the book
    content, since most of November was taken up with my travels to Iceland! I’ll be posting more about that
    in future posts, but for now here are the highlights!

    Reading Highlights

    I’m Thinking of Ending Things by Iain Reid

    I bought myself I’m Thinking of Ending Things for my birthday because I had heard a lot about it. I had heard it was a mind-fucker of a book, and I haven’t read anything that truly blew my mind in a while. While this one didn’t quite accomplish mindblowingness, I still very much enjoyed it. I was intrigued to find out where it would go and what I could figure out. I wanted to know why everything from the start felt weirdly off. This is definitely one to discuss with friends!

    House of Sky and Breath by Sarah J Maas

    Okay so I actually only gave House of Sky and Breath three stars because it was the most draggy book I have ever read. It took absolutely forever to end. I enjoyed reading about the characters again for the most part, but some characters (Tharion) were pointless and didn’t need their own chapters. I did not care. Also, THAT ENDING?? I hate it. I can’t say why due to spoilers, but I’m considering doing a spoilery review for this one because it offended me. But this is on my highlights reel anyway because I’m just glad I finally read it.

    Life Highlights

    I went to Iceland!

    I spent ten days in Iceland at the beginning of the month and I had the best time! I hadn’t been abroad
    since pre-Covid, but I desperately wanted to get away and do something for my and my partner’s 30th
    birthdays. We spent the first week travelling along the south coast and seeing all the waterfalls and
    glaciers (and the Northern Lights, far off in the distance), and then we spent the final few days in
    Reykjavik. Iceland is a beautiful country and there’s so much stuff to do, so we’re definitely going to
    return one day! Food is very expensive though, so if you’re planning to go then you should budget for

    I’m planning on posting several blog posts about this trip so stay tuned!

    I got engaged!

    In Iceland! The proposal was a complete surprise to me because, while my partner and I have discussed marriage at length before, over the past few months he had stopped bringing it up so much and basically implied that he didn’t really care for marriage. It was all a lie though because apparently he has been planning this for months and there was a whole event surrounding the ring and someone finding out about his intentions during a wedding we were both at. I might tell the whole story one day if anyone is interested!

    I don’t have any ideas of when to get married or where or any of that yet, and let me tell you the amount of questions we’re getting about it already is overwhelming. I just want to be left alone to enjoy the engagement at this point!

    We both turned 30!

    As I mentioned above, I spent my 30th birthday in Iceland and it was pretty magical. The day itself was a little stressful as I caught a cold and the bus to the Sky Lagoon was confusing af, but I had an amazing trip. My partner turned 30 a couple of weeks later, and we’re actually celebrating that this coming weekend.

    Other Highlights

    I’ve been playing a lot of Pokemon Violet as I bought myself a copy for my birthday. I was finding it a little too easy compared to older Pokemon games but it’s a good one to play if you’re feeling a bit brain foggy. I also went to watch Black Panther: Wakanda Forever at the cinema and obviously loved Namor. We’ve been rewatching The Crown and we’re almost ready to start season five. I can’t wait to see what has all the royals crying. I’d love to go to the cinema a few more times in December as we have a movie pass, and I have a few things in mind to go and see.

  • Blog Tour,  Book Review

    Five Survive by Holly Jackson | Book Review

    Five Survive by Holly Jackson
    Release Date: 29th November 2022
    Genre: Young Adult Adult, Thriller
    Source: Publisher, NetGalley
    Rating: ★★★★
    Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | Indigo | IndieBound

    Eight hours. Six friends. Five survive. A road trip turns deadly in this addictive YA thriller from the bestselling author of the worldwide phenomenon A GOOD GIRL’S GUIDE TO MURDER.

    Red Kenny is on a road trip for spring break with five friends: Her best friend–the older brother–his perfect girlfriend–a secret crush–a classmate–and a killer.

    When their RV breaks down in the middle of nowhere with no cell service, they soon realize this is no accident. They have been trapped by someone out there in the dark, someone who clearly wants one of them dead.

    With eight hours until dawn, the six friends must escape, or figure out which of them is the target. But is there a liar among them? Buried secrets will be forced to light and tensions inside the RV will reach deadly levels. Not all of them will survive the night. . . .

    Content Warning: guns, death threats, mob violence, death, injury

    A plan must have two parts. You have to make sure either way pays out in your favour.

    Did you know that the Good Girl’s Guide to Murder series is one of my favourites ever? No? Why not? I talk about it constantly because I absolutely adore the world that Holly Jackson has created there. The original UK editions are set in my home county of Buckinghamshire and mention places that I’m intimately familiar with, which is probably why I’m so connected to the series. Five Survive is a little different in that the original version is (I think) set in the US. There were no rewrites for this one!

    Due to the setting, Five Survive has a bit of a different vibe to it than AGGGTM. At least, I think so. I’ve not read the US editions of AGGGTM so I can’t say how American readers will feel about the vibe in general. Something about it felt very strange in the beginning and I couldn’t put my finger on what it was. I was a little disappointed at first because I was expecting to want to devour this book from the start, but instead it took a good fifty pages to grab me.

    Once I was grabbed, however, I was grabbed. I read the entire rest of the book in just one sitting because it was so enthralling and it had me on the edge of my seat. I was racing to find out what was going to happen to Red, the main character, and her friends. I figured one of them would be a bit dodge and I had theories on who it could be, so I had a lot of fun trying to sus out the story and figure out what was happening and why.

    It was love; thorny and complicated and sad and happy. But it was a red feeling too.

    While I was disappointed by the change of setting, I can see why this book is only set in the US in both versions. There is absolutely no way in hell Jackson could have set this book in the UK and pulled it off. Can you imagine snipers shooting at a caravan in Buckinghamshire? I think not.

    Five Survive is certainly not my favourite book by Holly Jackson because there’s no way it could beat her original series. I was very attached to Pip and Red didn’t have the same charm. I was actually a bit confused by Red’s characterisation for most of the book and I do wonder what the edits did to her character. By the end, though, I was quite worried about what was going to happen to her.

    I really enjoyed my experience with Five Survive and I can’t wait to see what Holly Jackson comes out next. I will keep hoping she returns to writing books set in Buckinghamshire because I truly believe that’s what she does best, but this book and setting certainly had its place.

    I received this book from NetGalley as part of the TBR and Beyond blog tour! Check out the rest of the bloggers and Instagrammers on the schedule to read their thoughts.

    About Holly Jackson

    Holly Jackson was born in 1992. She grew up in Buckinghamshire and started writing stories from a young age, completing her first (poor) attempt at a book aged fifteen. ‘A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder’ is a YA Mystery Thriller and her debut novel. She lives in London and aside from reading and writing, she enjoys binge-playing video games and pointing out grammatical errors in street signs.

    Twitter | Instagram | Goodreads

  • Book Review

    The Retreat by Sarah Pearse | Book Review

    The Retreat by Sarah Pearse
    Detective Elin Warner #2
    Release Date: 19th July 2022
    Genre: Adult, Thriller
    Source: Publisher, NetGalley
    Rating: ★★★.5

    An eco-wellness retreat has opened on an island off the coast of Devon, promising rest and relaxation – but the island itself, known locally as Reaper’s Rock, has a dark past. Once the playground of a serial killer, it’s rumoured to be cursed.

    DS Elin Warner is called to the retreat when a young woman’s body is found on the rocks below the yoga pavilion, in what seems to be a tragic fall. But the victim wasn’t a guest – she wasn’t meant to be on the island at all.

    When a man drowns in a diving incident the following day, Elin starts to suspect that there’s nothing accidental about these deaths. But why would someone target the retreat – and who else is in danger?

    Elin must find the killer – before the island’s history starts to repeat itself . . .

    I read Sarah Pearse’s debut, The Sanatorium, and had a great time with it, mostly due to the snowy setting and the dark and unsettling atmosphere. While I don’t think The Retreat pulled this off as well, I still very much enjoyed the isolated island setting. I do wish the retreat itself had been fleshed out more before the deaths started happening, as the setting was once again very important to the plot.

    Speaking of the deaths, I found everything to be a little too coincidental. Or perhaps a little too convoluted. Not everything had to be connected in this way, and yet…

    The Retreat was certainly as fast paced as the first book and it had some thrilling moments. The reveals were a bit of a let down, as was one unrealistic scene in which a character goes swimming during a storm.

    Overall though I enjoyed The Retreat and I would pick up more from this author in the future. I particularly want to see where this main character goes!

  • Book Review

    Carrie Soto is Back by Taylor Jenkins Reid | Book Review

    Carrie Soto is Back by Taylor Jenkins Reid
    Release Date: 30th August 2022
    Genre: Adult, Historical
    Source: Publisher, NetGalley
    Rating: ★★★★.5

    By the time Carrie retires from tennis, she is the best player the world has ever seen. She has shattered every record and claimed twenty Slam titles. And if you ask her, she is entitled to every one. She sacrificed nearly everything to become the best, with her father as her coach.

    But six years after her retirement, Carrie finds herself sitting in the stands of the 1994 US Open, watching her record be taken from her by a brutal, stunning, British player named Nicki Chan.

    At thirty-seven years old, Carrie makes the monumental decision to come out of retirement and be coached by her father for one last year in an attempt to reclaim her record. Even if the sports media says that they never liked the ‘Battle-Axe’ anyway. Even if her body doesn’t move as fast as it did. And even if it means swallowing her pride to train with a man she once almost opened her heart to: Bowe Huntley. Like her, he has something to prove before he gives up the game forever.

    In spite of it all: Carrie Soto is back, for one epic final season. In this riveting and unforgettable novel, Taylor Jenkins Reid tells a story about the cost of greatness and a legendary athlete attempting a comeback.

    I hate sports in books. Hate it! But I also don’t like reading about musicians and I gave Daisy Jones five stars. So. Here we are. Here I am, giving a book about a tennis (of all sports!) champion an almost flawless rating. Carrie Soto is Back deserves all the praise and the hype, and I’m so happy to have read it.

    I simply adore Taylor Jenkins Reid’s new era. I’ve heard rumours that it’s ending and that Carrie Soto is the final book in the Evelyn Hugo universe. I really hope that’s not the case. This universe has come to mean a lot to me, and I look forward to each new release.

    Taylor Jenkins Reid has a real knack for writing unlikeable and successful women and making you love them. She writes them in such a way that you know you would hate them in real life, but when you get to know them over the course of a book you realise they’re actually kind of brilliant. I want more.

    I imagine Carrie will be the least likeable of the bunch for many readers. She has no filter, she knows her own skill and talent, and her advice to her opponents is simply “Get better at tennis.” I love that. and I can’t explain how hard I can relate.

    One thing I was not expecting from this book was a SLOWBURN ROMANCE!!! It was so lovely and it had my heart swelling. I won’t talk about it in case you don’t want to be spoiled about who the romance is with, but it was wonderful.

    I also cried a lot and that’s how you know it’s a great book. Carrie had me crying, Javier was wonderful and made me sob, and Bowe was just so cute! The only thing I probably didn’t cry over was the mention of Mick Riva </3

    I love Carrie Soto is Back so much! In my ranking I would put it fairly near the top, probably something like this:

    1. Daisy Jones and the Six
    2. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
    3. Carrie Soto is Back
    4. Malibu Rising
    5. Everything else

    If you want to check out my previous ranking for all of Taylor Jenkins Reid’s books, you can watch my video in which I read her entire backlist and decide which Taylor Jenkins Reid book is best.

    Also, I think I understand tennis now? Maybe.

  • Book Review

    I Shot the Devil by Ruth McIver | Book Review

    I Shot the Devil by Ruth McIver
    Release Date: 9th July 2020
    Genre: Adult, Thriller
    Source: Publisher, NetGalley
    Rating: ★★★★

    Twenty years ago, the devil visited the woods around Southport, Long Island, claiming the lives of two boys. A local youth was charged with murder. Case closed.

    Now journalist Erin Sloane has been commissioned to dig deeper into the story and is sent notes from someone long forgotten. But can she trust what she unearths? And how can she unravel what happened when she has her own secrets to hide?

    Rich with the sense of a community imploding, buried secrets, corruption and racism, I SHOT THE DEVIL is a stunning portrayal of teenage hysteria and sexuality.

    I requested I Shot the Devil from NetGalley as the title and the cover drew me in. I later learned that it follows a true crime reporter, and then I was hooked. I am very intrigued by true crime (I don’t want to call myself a “true crime fan”… we really need a better name for this hobby) and I always love it when books include some kind of true crime aspect.

    I Shot the Devil has a low rating on Goodreads, and most of the reviews from what I can see are complaining about the main character. I can’t argue that Erin does some silly things that get her into trouble, however I personally didn’t mind that because I’m of the opinion that characters have to sometimes do stupid things, otherwise there’s not going to be a good plot.

    I found I Shot the Devil to be very fast paced. I enjoyed uncovering the mystery of what happened in the past – the main events – and how various characters were either misunderstanding the thing that happened, or were spinning the incorrect story on purpose.

    Read more: I Shot the Devil by Ruth McIver | Book Review

    There were a lot of character names and relationships to remember, which I think slowed down the plot a little and caused some confusion. I really enjoy small town drama, though, so the varied cast was a plus for me.

    I Shot the Devil was a very dark story, and I found it super enjoyable. I’d be interested in checking out more of the author’s books, particularly if they have a true crime link or focus.

  • Book Review

    The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake | Book Review

    The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake
    Release Date: 1st March 2022
    Genre: Adult, Fantasy
    Source: Publisher, NetGalley
    Rating: ★★★.5

    The Alexandrian Society is a secret society of magical academicians, the best in the world. Their members are caretakers of lost knowledge from the greatest civilizations of antiquity. And those who earn a place among their number will secure a life of wealth, power, and prestige beyond their wildest dreams. Each decade, the world’s six most uniquely talented magicians are selected for initiation – and here are the chosen few…

    When the candidates are recruited by the mysterious Atlas Blakely, they are told they must spend one year together to qualify for initiation. During this time, they will be permitted access to the Society’s archives and judged on their contributions to arcane areas of knowledge. Five, they are told, will be initiated. One will be eliminated. If they can prove themselves to be the best, they will survive. Most of them.

    Obviously, I have seen all the hype for The Atlas Six. I no longer let hype suck me in nowadays as I’ve been burnt before, but nevertheless I was curious about reading this one. I don’t read much dark academia as it’s really not my genre, and I don’t understand the enthusiasm for it (unless it’s boarding school vibes, in which case YES).

    I flew through the beginning of The Atlas Six, even though one could argue that the start of the book is the most boring. You follow Atlas as he goes around collecting the main characters to introduce them to this mysterious society, and it’s all very monotonous and repetitive. That said, I liked getting to know the characters in advance, even though it was done in the least subtle way possible.

    I read the first two hundred pages or so in good time. Then the book started to drag in the middle because nothing of note was happening. The characters spent a lot of time talking to one another, theorising about their powers, but at the same time other characters were completely absent. Nico and Reina, for example, were often conveniently off-page sparring because the author didn’t want them in a scene.

    Read more: The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake | Book Review

    I didn’t like any of the ships – or potential ships – that were going on, apart from perhaps Libby and Nico. But even with their bickering, I really do see the two of them as friends more than anything else. I didn’t care for the relationships between anyone.

    I have a bit of a gripe with how Parisa, the only confirmed bisexual main character, was portrayed. I have noticed that in a lot of media that bisexual woman are often shown to be cheaters or overly sexual. Parisa in this book uses this to her advantage, yes, but it still felt like a stereotype and was very disappointing.

    All that said, I did enjoy my time with The Atlas Six, and I was intrigued by the ending. I’m looking forward to reading the sequel when it comes out later this month, and it’ll be particularly interesting to see how Blake’s writing has evolved since writing this first book.

  • Book Review

    This Mortal Coil by Emily Suvada | Book Review

    This Mortal Coil by Emily Suvada
    Release Date: 7th November 2017
    Genre: YA, Science Fiction
    Source: Publisher, NetGalley
    Rating: ★★★

    When a lone soldier, Cole, arrives with news of Lachlan Agatta’s death, all hope seems lost for Catarina. Her father was the world’s leading geneticist, and humanity’s best hope of beating a devastating virus. Then, hidden beneath Cole’s genehacked enhancements she finds a message of hope: Lachlan created a vaccine.

    Only she can find and decrypt it, if she can unravel the clues he left for her. The closer she gets, the more she finds herself at risk from Cartaxus, a shadowy organization with a stranglehold on the world’s genetic tech. But it’s too late to turn back.

    There are three billion lives at stake, two people who can save them, and one final secret that Cat must unlock. A secret that will change everything.

    This Mortal Coil was a fun, action-packed YA story about a virus that makes people literally explode. It’s all a bit grim, and I don’t think the story would be for everyone following the Covid pandemic, but I had a lot of fun reading it. 

    I really liked the main character, Catarina. She was science-y and nerdy, but in a cool, sophisticated, l-knowwhat-I’m-doing kind of way. Not that nerds aren’t cool, but she was one of the coolest ones. 

    I found the concept to be very interesting, especially all the stuff about the virus. I get that it’s not for everyone right now, but I still really enjoy reading about viral outbreaks and how people could possibly deal with them. This virus was a little different as it was a bit of zombie, a bit exploding organs. Fun! 

    I think this is such a solid YA book, and while I’m personally not going to continue on with the trilogy – I didn’t quite care enough – I think younger readers would love it and get a lot out of it. There’s even a not-so-terrible love triangle too!